Careless grilling can cook up trouble!

Every year, careless use of barbecue grills is the cause of hundreds of fires. The resulting property damage can be widespread and expensive! Careless grilling costs millions of dollars and, tragically, can also cost people their lives. The following tips from the Encompass Insurance Company can help everyone enjoy their barbecue grills safely:
- Be sure your grill is sturdy and stable, especially if it stands on legs. Take special care on a combustible surface.
- Place your grill so that sparks and smoke won't fly toward buildings, furniture or people.
- Prevent burns and protect your clothing with a heavy apron and potholder-type gloves.
- Use only enough charcoal to last for the time it is needed.
- Properly attach your ash catcher when using a kettle grill.
- Douse the coals thoroughly with water after grilling.
- Transport, store and use propane gas cylinders in an upright position only.
- Barbecue in a confined space; if possible, don't grill on balconiesand decks of apartments and condominiums.
- Use gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or a cigarette lighter to start a fire.
- Add more starter fluid to an existing fire.
- Leave a grill unattended once the coals are lit.
- Move outdoor barbecues indoors. Smoldering charcoal can build up lethal concentrations of carbon monoxide.
- Discard used briquettes in a cardboard carton or any other combustible container.
And Don't forget about Food Safety Tips! See the USDA Web site for tips on food handling during outdoor grilling:Â