Thanksgiving is a wonderful time where families come together & everyone spends a little more time being grateful for the myriad of gifts life has given them. Thanksgiving presents a unique opportunity for homeowner's claims, with fires & illness or injury being the most common causes of loss. Here are some helpful tips to keep your Thanksgiving safe & happy!
1. Fried Turkey is a wonderful tradition but can have a hefty price tag if done incorrectly. Keep your fryer or deep fryer outside, away from walls & free of moisture. An improperly thawed turkey will also cause oil to splatter which can lead to burns or a fire if indoors
2. Use baking soda (not water) to douse any kitchen fires (or smother them with a lid) to avoid spreading any flames Keep a fire extinguisher handy in your kitchen.
3. Always use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of your stuffed turkey (at least 165 degrees), or cook the stuffing separately if you can, to avoid any chance of salmonella. Also allow for 1 day for every 4-5 pounds of turkey you need thawed; cooking a partially frozen bird can increase the chance of illness.
4. A turkey's temperature should be checked on the innermost part of the thigh & wing, as well as the thickest portion of the breast, to insure property cooking
5. Thanksgiving is a very social dinner, which means choking becomes a very dangerous possibility. If someone has trouble while eating try assisting with 5 sharp blows to the victims back with the heel of your hand, if unsuccessful follow with 5 upward thrusts to the victims abdomen. Always call 911 if a person cannot cough, breathe or speak!
6. Leftovers should be refrigerated no longer than 2 hours after serving & eaten within 3 days or moved to a freezer; reheated leftovers should be cooked to 165 degrees & gravy should be boiled
7. Avoid hosting any intruder's while you're out of town by keeping vacation plans off of Facebook & other social media sites
8. Keep turkey bones away from your pets; hollow poultry bones can splinter and result in horrible health problems for your furry friend
9. Holidays present unique food related health risks for pets: Keep your animals away from bakers twine, corn on the cob, rising bread dough, chocolate, sugar. Especially toxic to dogs are onions, raisins, grapes & alcohol.
10. Make sure any guests who have been drinking have a safe & sober way home; hosts are liable for a guests' alcohol consumption in the event of an accident! Uber or Lyft is a great way to make sure your guests make it home safely
These tips will help keep your thanksgiving fun & safe, and help make sure the only thing your guests have to talk about is how great your turkey looked!